Ge networx reference guide
Ge networx reference guide

This software and the included documentation is copyright SoftPerfect Pty Ltd. This however will not give you a per-device usage breakdown and the monitoring computer must be continuously on to poll the router and collect usage data.

  • If your router supports SNMP or UPnP protocol, you can monitor all traffic via your router.
  • This synchronisation must be turned on in the settings. In this case, devices like iPads, Smart TV or mobile phones will not be metered. While NetWorx can only monitor the usage on the computer it is installed on, the instances of NetWorx can talk to each other so that each instance is synchronised and shows the actual overall usage. This can only be done if all your computers are running Windows or macOS.
  • Install NetWorx on every computer in your network.
  • ge networx reference guide ge networx reference guide

    If you want to monitor multiple computers, you have two options:

    ge networx reference guide

    NetWorx can only monitor Internet usage on the computer where it is installed.

    Ge networx reference guide